Morphine addiction is central to understanding the work of Roger Gilbert-Lecomte. This is not a slight, not hardly; the stamina to reside in adjacence is a poet’s power, and morphine, as with other substances, is a great creator of difference. The addict poet, for a time, can be like Mercury — shuttling between the world of the living and that of the dead — a fortuitous personage for the act of description.

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March 21, 2021
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0882681281
ISBN-13: 978-0882681283
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces

Alive yet not alive you crawl in stone
Prisoner of an air castle
Lover in a dream
Crushed in advance
By the heavy heavy
Marble anchor of the
Death you have been howling for for a hundred centuries
In the ravages and corpses you embody
Alert scarecrow wicket in the north wind
Giddily dancing in a cold sweat
On a footing of slippery air where your weight is the weight of fear

A bunt heart empty of blood and woe
Caught in frozen air
At the stony edge of space
Sealed for eternity in the crystal icebox of the sky.